Use "if only there was|if only there be" in a sentence

1. If only they'd been there.

2. There are treatments, but only if there is a diagnosis.

3. We can only prosecute if there is sufficient evidence.

4. I'd only use Apprehensions if there was more than one reason I was apprehensive.

5. If you put two and two together, there can be only one conclusion.

6. If only there was a way for each viewer to leave his mark.

7. The red stripe on the file was attached only if there was believed to be a risk of escape.

8. If one disregards the ghost, there is only one suspect.

9. Companion ads will serve if and only if there is a companion slot available.

10. There can be recovery only if we reduce interest rates and the pound with them.

11. If you put two and two together, there can be only one conclusion, I hope.

12. There had to be an answer— he was sure he could tease it out if only he had time.

13. If only there were a smaller one to clean this one.

14. I would only leave here voluntarily if there was a big chance to work abroad.

15. Only if there was no card or a dud card would the car be photographed as evidence for prosecution.

16. There was only one unspoken agenda: damage assessment. Damage limitation, if any was possible, would come later.

17. 71 COMPLETE only if there is a change in accounts coding required.

18. If you somehow carry this one virus, there is only one cure.

19. If there are only a few metastases in the liver or lungs they may also be removed.

20. If there was any foible in the SL - II's handling it only shows up when sprinting hard.

21. If infection is only with a few worms, there are often no symptoms.

22. A cost-benefit analysis is particularly useful only if there are alternative strategies

23. The only way to tell if something is real is to sail there.

24. In this example, there is only a 30% chance that tomorrow will be sunny if today is rainy.

25. And if there are organics there, there may be life.

26. If there is Chinese; there' il be gambling

27. there can be only one middleman.

28. They will say: "People power will work only if there is a foreign pressure."

29. If only.

30. Affine if and only if there is a matrix M and a vector w so that Equation (7) is satisfied

31. There would be no succour for Benedict if - if!

32. If I was only casting the White Swan, she'd be yours.

33. “Biotin can only impact hair growth if there is an existing Biotin deficiency,” Hill adds

34. The signs had all been there if only she'd had the gumption to read them.

35. I know of places suitable, lodgings fit for a king, if only there were room.

36. There are streetlights only if you live in the vicinity of Mr Taylor's palatial bunker.

37. In the modern era, Bygones are usually only seen on Earth if brought there by

38. If there are several agricultural properties involved, the eldest child may choose only one parcel.

39. Can there really be only one interface?

40. Stress and Accentuation To start: There is only one kind of accent, only one accent (if any) per word, and it can only be placed on a vowel, never a consonant

41. Now , there was only silence deathly silence .

42. There was only one girl serving customers .

43. I looked to see if there was someone there, but there was no one.

44. Though there are many things that are believed to cause cancer, a substance is only considered Carcinogenic if there is significant

45. If there was, and that was the whole story, so be it.

46. 7 There would be no succour for Benedict if - if!

47. Enzymes will increase only if you stimulate the DNA by exercise and if you eat enough that there will be amino acids available for biosynthesis,” says Bailey.

48. If you always thought there were only two kinds of Boobs—big or small—your mind is about to be blown

49. If there was to be a release, God would provide it.

50. There seems to be only one choice now...

51. There was only one family in the branch.

52. There was standing room only in the courthouse.

53. There was only the barest flavor of coffee.

54. There was only one avenue open to him.

55. But that night there was only one light.

56. But there was only a slight, impatient nodding.

57. If there is Chinese; there'll be gambling

58. If there were amity between nations, there would be no wars.

59. If there was any pain, polio was suspected.

60. If I'm there, know what it'll be?

61. Content ID will only make automated claims for a reference if there is an active reference file.

62. If there is more than one petitioner, then only one need swear the affidavit verifying the petition.

63. 15 If disputes arose, there was arbitration.

64. A one-tailed test is appropriate if you only want to determine if there is a difference between groups in a specific direction

65. But the redemption yield will be worth something only if there is enough money in the kitty to pay out on maturity.

66. A complex number is Constructible if and only if there is a chain of field extensions such that each extension is quadratic (i.e

67. Doctor, wouldn't it be nice if there was a cure for anger?

68. We knew if it was myelitis, there had to be an " - itis. "

69. There was only one young lady it could conceivably be; and yet was that possible?

70. “There are only losers.”

71. Only if we're successful.

72. If all bets are off, there can't be any money, can there?

73. Refund will be given only if item is misrepresented.

74. In dipnoans there are only two otoliths and in Latimeria there is only one.

75. ‘Clinically shown’ means there was only one study.” 3

76. For this reason, no adjustment is available if there is only a partial refund of the selling price.

77. Buzz saws are really nice but only if there is 2 or more (preferably 3) people working together

78. I single out Attitash only because I was there.

79. There was only one survivor of the plane crash.

80. There was only a stump of the candle left.